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At the heart of all that we do is a commitment to evidence for effective treatment.  We pride ourselves on evidence-based practice so that you have an assurance that what we do is proven to be effective.  LymphScar Occupational Therapy only employs highly experienced therapists who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to professional development and a willingness to be life-long learners.  We require that our therapists who work in the area of lymphoedema and lipoedema are eligible for membership of the National Lymphoedema Practitioner’s Register which assures you of their training, knowledge, skill and commitment to ongoing professional development.

Assessment and Surveillance

Assessment – Whether lymphoedema, lipoedema or just long-term swelling, effective management can only occur if comprehensive assessment is the starting point. This enables us to work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your needs and preferences, and is one that is manageable for you.

Surveillance – Usually, a person only learns that they have lymphoedema when they have visible swelling. However, evidence shows us that the lymphoedema is best managed if it is detected early. Early detection means early intervention which means better results. And for women with lipoedema, it is so important that we know whether your lymphatic system may be at risk. LymphScar offers SOZO bioimpedance spectroscopy for early detection.

SOZO Bioimpedance Spectroscopy – Breast cancer, melanoma, colon and anal cancers, prostate cancer and genital organ, urinary system and gynaecological cancers, and lipoedema all carry a risk for lymphoedema. SOZO offers a detailed and individualised reading of your body tissue, which will identify early lymphatic change. This is a quick and simple, non-invasive test that offers peace of mind.

SOZO also is also able to do fluid analysis and body tissue composition which is so very helpful for managing both lymphoedema and lipoedema.

Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT)

CDT is a comprehensive programme for the management of lymphoedema, with five key components:

  • manual lymphatic drainage,
  • compression therapy (including bandaging and/or garments),
  • exercise,
  • education and
  • skin care. 

It is vital that your Occupational Therapist assesses the stage of your lymphoedema and your personal needs, and then in consultation with you, individually prescribes a treatment programme.

Lipoedema Management

Lipoedema is a painful hereditary disorder with disproportionate deposits of fatty tissue, most commonly on the legs, but also affecting the arms – and this occurs in up to 11% women.  Women with lipoedema often struggle to have their condition recognised and understood, and to find good management – our aim is to offer a supportive environment in which we can work with you to find the most effective ways to manage your condition and to control its progression.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

MLD is a specialised gentle form of massage that helps to move fluid away from the part of your body affected by lymphoedema/swelling.  In addition to improving lymphatic circulation, MLD also increases blood flow in deep and superficial veins.  This may be ‘hands-on’, through an individualised programme on through the use of an intermittent compression pump. MLD is usually provided in the context of Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT).

Compression Bandaging

Compression bandaging is used in the treatment phase and is an effective way to reduce the volume of a swollen limb. Once this occurs, your lymphoedema is usually best managed with a pressure garment.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a useful addition in the treatment of both lymphoedema and scarring.  Evidence indicates that it is effective in softening fibrotic tissue so this can soften and move firm swelling in lymphoedema, or soften thickened scar tissue.  Literature also suggests that laser is helpful for activating existing lymph nodes.  In addition, it can be to aid wound healing and muscular complaints.

Education and Self-Management

Helping you understand your condition, and giving you strategies to manage it yourself is not only essential but respectful, empowering and cost-effective. This is always an integral part of our management.

Compression Garment Prescription and Fitting

Pressure Garments are used in the treatment of lymphoedema, lipoedema and a range of vascular conditions.  Best practice requires that your garment is prescribed specifically for you, taking into account your medical condition, your personal circumstances, your preferences and the treatments that you are receiving.  Our therapists are experts in this, and it is an essential part of that process that your garment is individually fitted by an experienced Occupational Therapist.  LymphScar Occupational Therapy will work with you to ensure you are able to access any available rebates for your pressure garments.

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